NYTs - Surgeon General Calls for Cancer Warnings on Alcohol #duh
I’m so thankful that I got wise to my shenanigans and quit alcohol over 10 years ago.
I can’t believe that a report like this is even considered NEWs at this point. Is this truly not widely known? Or is it so inconceivable that a life without alcohol is the better plan, and worthwhile & meaningful?
The brilliant irony is that when you remove alcohol from your life you actually make space for more meaning, presence, and experience. And yes, that is everything, the thick and thin, the shit AND the sunshine.
My life is absolutely not perfect, it is a practice, and I do my damnedest to show up for it as it requires me to.
That means many different things. My life is my yoga practice, my Sadhana. That means regular exercise, meditation, focusing on how I feed & nourish myself, (not just through my diet, but through all of my senses). A nap. An early bedtime. Adjusting my expectations. Boundaries. Sovereignty. Standing my power.
My relationships are practice. My spirituality is a practice.
But I know that shielding myself, or rather, blunting myself, with alcohol was the worst thing I could do even though it felt like the right thing … for so many years. So many years. I’m just glad I got wise when I did & nipped it in the bud.
Understand that I’m not saying everyone must abstain from alcohol. In fact, I would never say everyone should do anything.
I would say that everyone owes it to themselves to consider their general well-being, & take some moments to reflect on how you treat your temple, that is your sacred body, and it is sacred, from the day-to-day.
It struck me that when I acknowledged my innate Divinity and saw Goddess within me that I knew I needed to treat myself better.
And that’s why I don’t drink.
If you wish to continue this conversation privately, I would love to explore this with you.
Reach out.
Sending you love.