Reflections on being six years sober

It's all at once felt like a lifetime, and then just a blip on the radar - these 6 years. Maybe the 21st century is like that. Or it's the parenting of little people that never stop moving...

But I need to pause and appreciate, recognize, that which has come to pass as wisdom in these 6 years of releasing, growing, rising up.

I am stronger than I thought.

Despite what I may fear over and over, I am a great mom.

I am not my emotions.

My strengths and my weaknesses are not in opposition.

I will make mistakes, and I will get past them.

Little "things", gestures, kindness, everyday connections that can, mean so much- to me, and others.

Meditation is a brilliant gift that is accessible to everyone.

I let alcohol rob me of a lot of precious moments.

My life is far better without alcohol.

Starting small and right where we are is where the real work begins.

It is those small actions and ripples repeated and reinforced that lead to lasting and brilliant change.

I am a great gift.

I have great gifts that I can share with other women and help them make real differences in their lives.

It’s ok.

It’s ok to be seen.

It’s ok to be seen as imperfect.

No one is perfect.

We are all struggling. Some days will be more of a struggle. Some minutes will feel like those days.

But they too will pass, and the sun will warm your face and make you smile like an idiot.

But you’re not an idiot. You’re celebrating you, and your precious life.

Connection is key.

Authenticity is gold.

Change takes time.

It’s all worth it.


NYTs - Surgeon General Calls for Cancer Warnings on Alcohol #duh


A Troubling Development